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Natasha Black

Natasha is a creature of challenge. Some challenges she chose. Others were chosen for her. All of them combined conspired to forge an indomitable will and ignite a spirit of adventure and discovery.

A challenge that Natasha chose for herself was to abandon a comfortable yet extreme religious culture where she grew up in the midwest. What followed were very dark days. Divorce from a relapsed addict. Struggle with an eating disorder. A genetic surprise that brought with it the shadow of cancer. The crushing weight of it all threatened to suffocate her.

Until the morning Natasha woke in the grip of a new determination. To be more than the subject of her unchosen challenges. To live, more and bigger. To choose her own challenges once again, and be the hero of her own story.

With a truck full of surfboards and bikinis, Natasha embarked on a solo journey across 2500 miles of Mexican coast, in search of the biggest waves of her life. In the hunt, she found far more than those waves, and far more than she’d ever imagined.

Looking to finance a new life as a big wave surfer Natasha began work as a sensual massage therapist. As the layers of guilt started to unravel, Natasha found new depths of darkness within herself. Each dark challenge became her dearest friend as she faced the deepest human fear - Am I good enough?


Natasha lives with her partner and son in an undisclosed surf paradise where she spends her days surfing, being Mom and writing. 

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